Tag Archives: Suggestions

I want a garage! Or a proper working environment

Working on JobRely

JobRely team working in HUB Vilnius

I want a garage. One like in the movies about a birth of the great IT business. If there is no garage available/left I would love to have a basement (skladukas – nice Lithuanian word). Sadly I must balance my work routine between home, co-working spaces and cafes. I`ve been working in a lot of different environments. And I still want a garage.

A Garage is a place where you can be surrounded only by your working idea. A Garage is an area where all the external world problems are left outside. Garage is place where you can do shit not giving a single fuck about what your neighbors think. If I need loud DNB music to be energized – I just pump up the volume. Garage is the place where I can invite my friends, colleagues when I feel that I need them. Need them for the work I am doing.

In reality, if you want to work in a garage and you are located in Lithuania you will get really cold. At least on a winter like this. I like warmth so I had to find some alternatives. And I did:

  • tried working in coworking spaces (hubs),
  • tried working from home,
  • tried working from a shared office,
  • tried working from university library (it is better than it sounds like)

From these experience I can sum up: I still want a garage. 

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