Friday planing


I didn`t write yesterday cause was really busy working and had nothing to share with you except tasks lists. And from google analytics + some other tool (I track you ^^) I see that majority of you are not interested in tasks. I will not stop doing this so somebody would get an idea how does it look to work for yourself. But for now if I am really busy – I am not posting and doing stuff. If I have my minds flying somewhere around (decreased productivity) – I`ll focus on blog. And productivity will return!

So yesterday we made a step front with the visualization part at JobRely.  Got a new contract for development works. Managed to get closer to one more finished eCommerce project. Also started playing with Jira bugreporting visual tool (Thank you Vaidas). And installed OC for Andzelika.

What is happening today? Well I already did some communication part, how ever most of the focus will come to finalization of a few payed works:

  • to agree about the design with G (Matas made a few examples),
  • to finish hf template coding,
  • review what can be done with OC installation (DNS issue),
  • if time left – some diggin` into the JobRely code.

This evening I am going to Toma`s parents, so I am not sure if Ill be able to write a blogpost and updates.


2 thoughts on “Friday planing

  1. Povilas says:

    Started reading this blog cause I wanted to get some real tips about startup creation.
    The more I read, the more I get an impression that it is a personal blog like “Me and my cat”, cause everything is about “Me, myself and I” and sometimes several tips.

    But even those tips are hard to read – long texts without any bullet points or bold sub-titles. TLDR.

    So, unfortunately, probably will unsubscribe, unless the content starts to be good for ME as a reader, not for the author as just self-expression diary.

    • wetennis says:

      Hello Povilas,
      Thank you for your honest feedback and speaking up about the expectations you had for this blog. To make it short: the nature of a startuper is also a vital part for the success/growth for any kind of a project. Because at the start you have only people. For more reasoning why I am writing about one or other things you can find in my next blogpost.

      As for the writing style – I know that it is sometimes a hard to read one. But the time is limiting me. This means that to review, make the blogpost more easy to read takes an hour or two from my sleeping time. If somebody wants to edit it – I would be glad to accept the support. Also please note, that for some parts bullet points are a hard thing to make.

      If you decide to unsubscribe – it is your choice. Do it if you want. I am not writing directly for you ^^.

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