Category Archives: Morning posts

Moday: Why there are no universal “1-2-3 Success!” path

Good morning,

I received a comment made by Povilas about his expectations towards content in my blog. The main idea (as I heard it) is: you shouldn`t write about yourself, you should write more about the startups world, tips and tricks,… And he has a point here. The reason of blogging here should be not to show off. It should be to share experience.

And actually it is sharing of experience just maybe I set a bit too high requirement for myself to write each day twice. Why I did that? Well in different startups (mine as well) I see quite much actions which are not planned. Or planned for the wrong time. And personally see this as an issue: “even if you want to use the opportunity, you shouldn`t close/cancel what you have done so far”. So to find this needed balance is the biggest issue for me. And I believe for quite many self funded startups.

Another thing is the different nature of startups, their experieces, etc. Remember yourself in uni/school. Any of you might seen the situation where the colleague have studied less and got the higher grade then you did. Here you could draw a line by saying “He got lucky / he had the experience”. I would suggest to start analyzing the situation and start looking for the small bits you could use. Continue reading


Hard wednesday planing


Started working from 9, how ever only now writing the daily morning blogpost. As I mentioned in a previous blogpost, yesterday had two glasses of beer. Well guess what – I became alcohol intolerant and even now feeling slow, a bit dizzy. It is a sign that I am getting older^^. Lets move on with daily planing:

Payed works:

  • Preparation for the new W project (already done)
  • First design improvements for the W
  • Design review for G project


  • Front page finalization (module rewriting)


  • Two meetings + beer with classmates.. Must deliver my promises… And not to get drunk ^^

That`s all. Feeling better so must use my energy to catch up and erase the slow start of the day : -)


Tuesday morning post – focus on the usability

Good morning,

Spent already an hour working and forgot to blog! This is not the way to start my day. I want to create a habit for myself : -) So writing now:

Payed work:

  • Updates to G, base platform setup for G and first batch of test products.
  • Drupal review.
  • Updates for UD + kick into their ass for the communication issues.
  • Clients hunt ^^.


  • Physical meeting – preparation +beer.
  • Updates for backend  listing according to Rūta comments.

That`s all, folks (for now) : -)



Day Six – the Start of the Week

Good Monday morning!

The new week have started so before planing the current week and day it is important to reflect what has been done. As it is not something really interesting for you I`ll just say that day cutting into parts have worked for me to increase my productivity a bit. Also I feel less often that part of my work doesn`t get as much attention as needed. How ever I will need to learn to switch parts of the day when meetings with clients are at the second part.

For those of you wondering what did happen yesterday (Sunday): I decided that on weekends I`ll blog whenever I feel ready for that. And that one blogpost is more then enough. Therefor my Saturday post (read it if you haven`t!) was all you received for the weekend. For Sunday I did some work on the clients project, went out mushrooms picking, had a great meal and spend more quality time with my GF. At the evening, of course, watched basketball and lost the toto :/ At the very last game.

Todays plan is simple: to be as productive as possible:

Payed work:

  • find the agreement on G contract,
  • review the first design works for the G,
  • analyze eCommerce solution request (new lead),
  • review the Drupal solution request (new lead)


  • weekly meeting preparation
  • team tasks review
  • new batch of testing
  • development unfinished from last week

So for now I think it is enough, it is time to start working!


Day three – the friday planing

Good morning. This morning post will be short and without longer sharing about the personal experience. Have some urgent works so saving my time. Not to waste your time, shortly before evening:

Casual startup change members, cofounders can be changed as well. So check with whom into bed work you are going. And run a “trial” before promising any shares. A person that is good at payed job is not always the same good on voluntary work with a salary far far far away. I experienced that. Not once.

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Day two – morning planing and feeling shitty

Good morning,

Hope all is going good with yours. For me the eyes are clapping, I am feeling sleepy, got out of the bed at 7:45 instead of 7;/. Note for myself: need to keep the sleeping schedule or my rest woun`t be as quality as needed. Or will feel each morning as I had a hangover before.

Daily planing:


  • Prepare budget for G, start preparing the contract,
  • Make angry calls to some lazy people who own me money for works
  • Meet Lukas and start his transition
  • To follow up our sales to Russia


  • Finish the companies part
  • Review the testing comments and fix small issues
  • Prepare for the evening skype call
  • Find out more about I**** with a person (Kr…) who was in contact with them before


  • Try to fix a bike tire (not sure if it will work, but want to get back my own transportation)
  • Move DNS hosting from IV to Hostex (still cname records are not changed. A shame for IV), add posting tags for previous posts and do some minor google seo. Make a public list in this blog regarding the promised future blogposts.

As you see, more dedication to JobRely to compensate yesterdays time looses.

What I want to share this morning from Startups life is the need of support from the people who surround you. It is an old as a world telling that you need to have somebody close to you. When you are giving almost everything you can for some project/product even you are not sure if it will workout, people around you sometimes are the only reason why you don`t quit. Because nobody else cares till you make it. And usually you always plan to do everything faster then in reality it goes.

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Day one – drawing the line how open to be


As I have promised just a day ago, I become open and start sharing my daily planning (which was done only on a paper before). How ever I am returning into the same issues most of bloggers do have – how open to be. As we are working on a project which should change the way recruitment currently works we are feeling quite messed up:

  • If we share what we are doing before launch – current competitors can easily change the way they are working and kick as out of market before we even start
  • If we do not share – we might create a product that is not used
  • If our focus group (potential users we trust) is badly targeted – we will create a product which will be not used as widely as we would wish. Continue reading
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